Reading Notes: Part B: Cradle Tales of Hinduism

For this post, I will finish up Cradle Tales of Hinduism as I explore the stories of Part B.

One of the stories from Part B was The Return to Mathura. This discussed the decision for a great sacrifice to be made in Mathura upon Krishna and Bolarma's return. I thought it was so interesting that there were spectators that were waiting for their arrival. The story then goes on to explain a tournament that happens upon their arrival. It seems odd because Krishna's father, Kansa almost appears to want to challenge his daughter, even though he is also expressing his love for her. In my retelling I would add tons of dialogue, since there is almost none within this story. This would greatly help understand the feelings of everyone involved.

The second story I took a closer look at was The Doom of the Vrishnis. I found it so odd that of all the stories that are dark, negative, and gloomy in this epic, the author decided to make this one not. However, this story is literally called the DOOM of the Vrishnis. The opening paragraph begins positive, light, and airy. I found this authors writing style so strange throughout this entire epic. The style is frequently what I want to change whenever I read any of these stories from this epic. Overall, this was probably the only epic I have read that I truly did not like.

Source: Wikimedia

Bibliography: 'Cradle Tales of Hinduism' written by Sister Nivedita in 1907.
