Topic Brainstorm

If you have read my introduction about myself, this topic choice for me would seem blatantly obvious. I have ridden horses all my life and they have always been something I have loved to learn more about. It would be incredibly interesting to learn about something I love in a completely different perspective. I have lots of knowledge on caring for horses and riding horses. I am excited to learn what else this topic could possibly bring to me. 

Potential Topic Focus: Uchchaihshravas (a seven-headed flying horse)

Source: Wikimedia

Karma is something that I truly believe exists, so I would enjoy to learn more about it from actual readings. All of my previous knowledge on karma has come from watching in unfold in my life from negative actions having more negative outcomes. I would be interested in seeing stories that tell why people believe in karma.  This is also a topic that everyone knows just a little about at least, so it would be awesome to have some deeper knowledge on it to share. 

Potential Topic Focus: Rebirth

Women of the Epics
I have taken multiple gender and women studies classes, because it is something I am interested in. I enjoy learning about how women live in all different parts of the world. I would love to further my knowledge on women through gaining knowledge on them from a different part of the world. My studies have closely landed with American women, but I would really like to change that!

Potential Topic Focus: Kunti

Love Stories
Love stories would be a really interesting topic to focus on, as people express and view love differently in all cultures. I do enjoy reading books about romance and it would be interesting to compare and contrast from what I previously have read and know about love. Love stories also remind me of fairytale type stories, which are always fun to read. These stories can be analyzed in so many different ways. 

Potential Topic Focus: Amar Chitra Katha
